2010 Golf


Leaderboard (7/22)

Leaderboard (6/20)

Leaderboard (6/8)

Leaderboard (5/26)








“Ooo, booy, tough crowd in here.”  – Tony pulling on his collar and doing a Rodney Dangerfield impression to Justin b/c his Sunday foursome at Lamesboro was quiet and boring as sh!t.

“Yeah, Hi…Do you know what Jim Fick’s last name is?”  – Ted calling the Lanesboro golf course at 7:00 AM trying to find out Jim’s tee time

“Rhubarb…say that three times fast and it doesn’t even sound like a real word.”  – Jon

“i’ll do anything you want.” – Chris to Jason

“I’m taking a mulligan.” -Justin after whiffing his tee shot on #1 at soldiers

“Beer is my Spinach.” -Chris Hilker

“We have keed!” -Random asian golfer upset that Tony rolled a golf ball up near their 8-yr old ‘keed’

“I just want to be inside Tony.” -originally said by Brian Burgess, but becoming more and more popular amongst everyone

“I puked on my shirt.” -Grant, said often.

“I’m not sure what the ruling is on this one. I’ve never seen anyone hit a ball in these flowers.” -The Northern Hills marshall at the 2009 All-City tourney referring to Burgess’ opening tee shot


Here you will find info about misc tournaments that the group plays in, men’s leagues, etc.  Let me know if you want to see other stuff on here.  Or if you have an update, send it over and I’ll post it.

2010 Soldiers’ Men’s Club Tournament Schedule

Sunday, May 16th    3-Man Best Shot    8:30 Shotgun
Sunday, June 13th    Lone Loon             8:30 Shotgun
Sunday, July 18th     2-Man Best Ball      8:30 Shotgun
Saturday, August 7th Club Championship A.M. Tee-Times
Sunday, August 8th    Club Championship A.M. Tee-Times
Sunday, September 12th  Horserace     9:00 Shotgun
Sunday, October 10th     4-Man Best Ball w/ Hcp    9:30 Shotgun
Weekly events start May 24th and run through August 15th.

2010 Northern Hills Men’s Club Schedule of Events
May 23     Red, White, Blue
June 20    2-Man Combo
July 25     Calcutta (Auction July 23)
Aug. 21-22  Club Championship
Sept. 19   One-Man Best Shot
Oct. 9      19-Man Shootout
Oct. 17     Mystery Tees
Oct. 22     Fall Banquet


Austin Country Club 2-Man, April 25th
Tony & Jason – did not place, no skins
Chris & Justin – did not place, no skins


Meadow Lakes Individual Low-Net, May 2nd
Grant – A-Flight – Low Net – 70
Grant – 2 skins
Justin – 1 skin


Soldiers – 3-Man Scramble, May 16th
TonyD – 1st place, 3 skins, $27.50 total
ChrisH – 2nd place tie

Northern Hills – Red, White, Blue, May 23rd
TonyD – did not place, no skins
JustinM – did not place, $200 team skin


Cannon Falls – 2-Man Scramble, May 28th
TonyD & JasonS- 4th place $50, no skins
JustinM & GrantK – did not place, no skins
JimF & ChrisH – did not place, no skins


TRUE All-City Play Day, Tues June 15th (poster)

Results Summary
Results Details


Lamesboro Singles Tourney, Jun 26th
TonyD  JasonS  JustinM  ChrisH  JimF  BrianB  GrantK  TedS



Grand Rapids Grand Slam Am, Aug 20-22
JasonS & TonyD
JustinM & GrantK
ChrisH & JimF

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